Git Sources

Git Sources defines where to fetch/pull your application code.

These sources are used to:

  • Setup helper apps (such as GitHub App, GitLab App) at your Git providers.
  • Provides access through tokens/ssh keys to your repositories.
  • Clone your application’s code.
  • Set up webhooks for automated deployments.

Supported Git Sources

  • GitHub
  • GitLab

You can use self-hosted or enterprise version of these Git providers as well.

How to Integrate with Gitlab

  1. (in Coolify) If you haven’t already, in Settings, specify a URL (FQDN) like This is not required, but it makes the setup easier.
  2. Once that’s complete, close the page, navigate to, and log back in.
  3. (in Coolify) In Git Sources, add a new GitLab source.
  4. In a new browser tab, navigate to your GitLab instance and find the UI to add a new application.
  5. (in GitLab) Enter the Callback URL as
  6. (in GitLab) check the following scopes: api, read_repository, email.
  7. (in GitLab) Save the application and copy the Application ID .
  8. (in Coolify) In your new source, paste the Application ID.
  9. (in GitLab) In the newly created application, copy the Secret.
  10. (in Coolify) Paste the Secret.
  11. (in Coolify) Enter the OAuth ID. It will be the located at the end of the url of your GitLab application:
  12. (in Coolify) Hit save.
  13. (in Coolify) In Applications add a new application with GitLab as the source.
  14. If you’re still logged into GitLab, an authorization popup will appear. Click authorize.

Import Public Git Repositories

You can import any public git repositories from Github or Gitlab with a simple URL

Examples GitHub:

Example GitLab: