safeTyper is a Grammarly alternative, where YOU own what you type on your keyboard.

Who is it for?

Everyone with privacy issues with Grammarly, or would like to know how their data is stored and used.


The MVP version (1.0) is using OpenAI’s GPT models to check grammar errors.

They have a clear docs on how are they using your data (tldr: they don’t if you use their API, and safeTyper is using their API), and you can simple request to delete your data anytime.


  • Add other LLM (Large Language Models) options. Open-source / self-hostable preferred.
  • After a certain point (tbd), open-source SafeTyper


It is a one-time paid product. Buy once, use forever.

You only pay based on your usage. If you don’t use, you won’t pay.

For this to happen, you need your OpenAI Key.

(If there is a need, we can make a subscription based license as well. We will provide the OpenAI key for you. Let us know here.)

Comparison Grammarly

The premium plan on Grammarly is: ~$12/month.

OpenAI costs around **0.000002667/character(or0.000002667 / character** (or 0.002 / 1000 tokens or $0.002 / 750 characters).

You need to write ~4.5 million characters a month to write the same amount.

All Harry Potter books are around ~6 million characters.


All licenses are bought through our store.

You can active it on 5 devices with one license, unlimited times.

If you have any issues, please contact us.